Please use the map above to ballpark mob levels by the outlined regions on the map. Note: The mobs for this zone have not been updated to reflect their new levels as of the 1.75 patch. NPC: Taskmaster Trinnan - Located right outside of Svasud Faste in Vale of Mularn at 11.7k, 34.2k.Silvermine MountainsIncludes Ardagh, Howth and entrance to Spraggon Den.NPC: Taskmaster Domli - Located right outside of Haggerfel in Vale of Mularn at 50.9k, 30k.NPC: Taskmaster Bisil - Located within the town of Nalliten in Gotar at 49.3k, 33.9k.NPC: Taskmaster Cheri - Located within the town of Audliten in East Svealand at 4.2k, 22.8k.NPC: Taskmaster Bernard - Located within the town of Mularn in Vale of Mularn at 50.1k, 54.9k.NPC: Taskmaster Vaellyn out front of Druim Ligen at 48.7k, 3.7k.NPC: Taskmaster Praest - Located out front of Tir na Nog at 26.4k 51.5k.NPC: Taskmaster Nelarid - Located out front of Howth at 14.7k 39.5k.NPC: Taskmaster Jeryd - Located in Tir na Mbeo at 25.4k, 44.7k.NPC: Taskmaster Sevinia - Located within Mag Mell at 27.9k, 5.2k.NPC: Taskmaster Trudan - Located out front of Castle Sauvage in Camelot Hills at 35.3k, 49.2k.Additionally the entrance to the RVR Dungeon Demon Breach for Level 1 - 4, can be found east of Mag Mell.

NPC: Taskmaster Prairdred - Located out front of Prydwen Keep in Camelot Hills at 25.5k, 45.8k.NPC: Tasmaster Traint - Located in the middle of Cotswold in Camelot Hills at 11.7k, 28.2k.Task Dungeons are one of the best ways to level in Daoc, all you have to do is go seek a taskmaster for your level range to get a task to clear the nearby task dungeon which is usually to kill all the mobs in the dungeon, a certain type of mob, or a named one.