This method only applies to positive-definite and/or symmetric systems. An overall speedup of 484 relative to the CPU sequential. GAUSSSEIDEL: linalg-python: Solve a linear system of equations using the iterative Gauss-Seidel method. Co-efficeint matrix, contant vector, initial guesses and tolerence are be prompted for user input. We now generalize the Gauss-Seidel iteration procedure. We employ the red-black Gauss-Seidel method, in this paper, to solve the 2D steady state heat conduction problem on two different GPUs. This matlab script can solve a system of linear equations by Gauss Seidel method, an iterative method.

An iterative method to solve the linear system A x = b starts with an initial approximation p 0 to the solution x and generates a sequence of vectors \( \left\_0 = (2,1,0), \) then iteration will converge to the solution (3,2,1) much faster than under Jacobi method. 2.7 gaussSeidel.py The function gaussSeidel is an implementation of the Gauss-Seidel method with.